Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New Question!!!

From: Mackenzie
okay i have an interesting question for you (these are gonna come from
me a lot, considering i can solve my own problems on my own.)
why do you consider the relaxing slide show relaxing?

Hi, Mackenzie!!!
I know this is short, but the reason I put that slideshow there is because
I wanted a starter for a blog. It is temporary until i have more posts and
Here, Ill change the name to just, "slideshow."
to be honest, a crumpled page with text isn't really relaxing.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


this is the only schooltalk blog in the world that is set up like cartalk!! You tell me your problems, and me and my sister solve them!! The only difference is...... this is on a computer, and cartalk isn't!!
To give us a problem, email sadiegoff@aveson.org and set it up like this:

to: schooltalk
from: (your name or something here)
(body of letter)

and we will anonymously or not anonymously (you decide) post your problem in red, and the answer in blue!!!